Safeguarding Children is a Legal Requirement

If you are working with children it is your responsibility to safeguard them and promote their wellbeing.
This in not just a moral obligation, it’s a legal requirement. Poor duty of care
will increase their vulnerability and put them at greater risk of harm.

Globocol’s Safeguarding Incident Manager and all-in-one Safeguarding Training package can help you protect
children and young people in your care.

How Globocol’s Safeguarding Incident Manager Can
Benefit The Children Under Your Care

Incident Reporting

All reported “incidents”, however minor, are recorded and investigated.

Single System of Record

Allows incidents to be properly recorded and stored.

Easily Record All Incidents

Quick and easy to use for recording incidents.

Automated System Alerts

Facilitates the monitoring of children whilst in your care.

Organisation Memory

Gives you a clear audit trail of concerns raised and actions taken.

Reputational Protection

Maintains the integrity and reputation of your staff and your organisation.


New Incident Report

Record View

All in One Safeguarding Training Package
A comprehensive Child Safeguarding overview

Raise staff awareness Increased knowledge and understanding
Promote good practice Develop skills base within your organisation
Identify your organisation as responsible and professional

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