Recognising & Healing Shame in Children & Adolescents

Date: 28/08/2019

Our friends at Time2Listen in Hull, Gail Thornton and her team, are running a one-day workshop for primary and secondary teachers, SENCOs, therapists, social workers, parents, adopters, foster carers, residential care workers, and other helping professionals. The subject is "recognising and healing shame in children and adolescents". 

Course Outline

Shame is a part of healthy human development and all toddlers experience it. When a significant adult assists the child to manage these feelings of shame the child can develop the capacity for emotional and behavioural regulation. They will also learn how to express appropriate behaviours and inhibit inappropriate ones. However, in circumstances when this does not happen it can lead to chronic anger, controlling behaviour and a deterioration in the child’s ability to grow, develop and manage the demands of society.

Shame is a powerful emotion that can cause a person to feel flawed, inadequate, bad, a disappointment, not good enough. Shame is often confused with guilt and it can have long-term emotional effects that impede the ability to build healthy relationships.

The aim of this training is to provide an overview of the development of shame from its birth. Explore the behavioural aspects of shame and identify ways in which assistance can be given in order to support the individual in changing their responses. The day will provide practical strategies to reduce shame, promote positive relationships, develop self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth within the child or adolescent.

· Understand the difference between guilt and shame and their development.
· Identify how shame can be triggered and the damage that it can do to the sense of self.
· Recognise the responses to shame and the behaviours related to these.
· Identify practical strategies that can be used to reduce shame and promote healthy relationships.
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