Early Intervention to Help Families

Early Help Manager is an online system for gathering and recording information about children where a
concern has been raised . It promotes early intervention and a coordinated response where need is identified.

Features include a search facility, records of family relationships, workflow based action management and
a variety of reports on, for example, number of Early Interventions, outcomes, demographics and referrals.

How Early Help Manager Helps Safeguard The Children In Your Area

Child and Family

Full client/family profile. Create baseline assessment of need, measure progress.

Action Management

Action Plans, individual actions, due dates, desired outcomes and alerts.

Measure Performance

Evidence based outcomes information. Dashboard, reports, data export.

Ease of use

Easy forms, modern interface, automation, online help, intelligent form fields.

Mobile access

Responsive design, works on mobile devices. Internet access. Updates 24x7.


Encrypted database & IDs, physically secure UK hosting, dual factor authentication.

Welcome Page

Assessment (CAF)

Worry/Success/Safety Statement

Need training to help you optimise your use of Early Help Manager
to safeguard children?
Download the Early Help Manager information sheet.